Friday, March 27, 2015


Now boast thee, death,
in thy possession lies a lass unparallel'd*

Defarge Does Shakespeare with hooks.  Once in a while.  Sometimes. 

Today I'm featuring another crochet design from Defarge Does Shakespeare. 

Inspired by one of my very favorite plays, Antony and Cleopatra

Unparallel'd, a crocheted and beaded necklace. 

Classy.  Simple.  Elegant. Love the photo. Love the snake, too.

Unparallel'd designed by Beverly Army Williams

See all the patterns in Defarge Does Shakespeare.

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If you are on ravelry please go favorite this design or any of the other Defarge Does Shakespeare patterns that catch your eye.

*Fun Trivia Question:  What actress used these lines as an epitaph?